
data class BracketSetting(var aperture: ThetaRepository.ApertureEnum? = null, var colorTemperature: Int? = null, var exposureCompensation: ThetaRepository.ExposureCompensationEnum? = null, var exposureProgram: ThetaRepository.ExposureProgramEnum? = null, var iso: ThetaRepository.IsoEnum? = null, var shutterSpeed: ThetaRepository.ShutterSpeedEnum? = null, var whiteBalance: ThetaRepository.WhiteBalanceEnum? = null)

Parameters for multi bracket shooting.


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constructor(aperture: ThetaRepository.ApertureEnum? = null, colorTemperature: Int? = null, exposureCompensation: ThetaRepository.ExposureCompensationEnum? = null, exposureProgram: ThetaRepository.ExposureProgramEnum? = null, iso: ThetaRepository.IsoEnum? = null, shutterSpeed: ThetaRepository.ShutterSpeedEnum? = null, whiteBalance: ThetaRepository.WhiteBalanceEnum? = null)


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Aperture value. Theta X and SC2 do not support.

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Color temperature of the camera (Kelvin). Support value is 2500 to 10000 in 100-Kelvin units.

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Exposure compensation. Theta SC2 does not support.

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Exposure program. The exposure settings that take priority can be selected. Mandatory to Theta Z1 and V. Theta SC2 does not support.

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ISO sensitivity.

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White balance. Mandatory to Theta Z1 and V. Theta SC2 does not support.