Acquires a list of still image files and movie files.
A list of file information and number of totalEntries. see camera.listFiles.
File types to acquire.
Position to start acquiring the file list. If a number larger than the number of existing files is specified, a null list is acquired. Default is the top of the list.
Number of still image and movie files to acquire. If the number of existing files is smaller than the specified number of files, all available files are only acquired.
Specifies the storage. If omitted, return current storage. (RICOH THETA X Version 2.00.0 or later)
If an error occurs in THETA.
Acquires a list of still image files and movie files.
A list of file information and number of totalEntries. see camera.listFiles.
File types to acquire.
Position to start acquiring the file list. If a number larger than the number of existing files is specified, a null list is acquired. Default is the top of the list.
Number of still image and movie files to acquire. If the number of existing files is smaller than the specified number of files, all available files are only acquired.
If an error occurs in THETA.