
data class GpsInfo(val lat: Float? = null, val lng: Float? = null, val _altitude: Float? = null, val _dateTimeZone: String? = null, val _datum: String? = null)

GPS information


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constructor(lat: Float? = null, lng: Float? = null, _altitude: Float? = null, _dateTimeZone: String? = null, _datum: String? = null)


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val _altitude: Float? = null

Altitude (meters) When GPS is disabled: 0

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val _dateTimeZone: String? = null

Location information acquisition time YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss+(-)hh:mm hh is in 24-hour time, +(-)hh:mm is the time zone when GPS is disabled: ""(null characters)

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val _datum: String? = null

Geodetic reference When GPS is enabled: WGS84 When GPS is disabled: ""(null characters)

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val lat: Float? = null

Latitude (-90.000000 – 90.000000) When GPS is disabled: 65535

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val lng: Float? = null

Longitude (-180.000000 – 180.000000) When GPS is disabled: 65535