
data class InfoApiResponse(val manufacturer: String, val model: String, val serialNumber: String, val _wlanMacAddress: String?, val _bluetoothMacAddress: String?, val firmwareVersion: String, val supportUrl: String, val gps: Boolean, val gyro: Boolean, val uptime: Int, val api: List<String>, val endpoints: EndPoint, val apiLevel: List<Int>)

info api response


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constructor(manufacturer: String, model: String, serialNumber: String, _wlanMacAddress: String?, _bluetoothMacAddress: String?, firmwareVersion: String, supportUrl: String, gps: Boolean, gyro: Boolean, uptime: Int, api: List<String>, endpoints: EndPoint, apiLevel: List<Int>)


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MAC address of Bluetooth (RICOH THETA V firmware v2.11.1 or later)

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MAC address of wireless LAN (RICOH THETA V firmware v2.11.1 or later)

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List of supported APIs

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List of supported APIs: ("1": v2.0, "2": v2.1)

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Endpoint information (Refer to the next section for details.)

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Firmware version

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Presence of GPS

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Presence of gyroscope

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Manufacturer name

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Serial number

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URL of the support page

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val uptime: Int

Elapsed time after startup in second