
data class ListFilesParams(val fileType: FileType = FileType.ALL, val startPosition: Int? = null, val _startFileUrl: String? = null, val entryCount: Int, val maxThumbSize: Int = 0, val _detail: Boolean? = true, val _sort: SortOrder? = null, val _storage: Storage? = null)

list files request parameters


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constructor(fileType: FileType = FileType.ALL, startPosition: Int? = null, _startFileUrl: String? = null, entryCount: Int, maxThumbSize: Int = 0, _detail: Boolean? = true, _sort: SortOrder? = null, _storage: Storage? = null)


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val _detail: Boolean? = true

Specifies whether or not to acquire the file details.

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val _sort: SortOrder? = null

Specifies the sort order: “newest” (default) or “oldest”

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val _startFileUrl: String? = null

First file to return to the list.

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val _storage: Storage? = null

Specifies the storage.

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Number of files to acquire. If the number of existing files is smaller than the specified number of files, all available files are only acquired.

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File type to acquire. FileType.ALL: All types FileType.IMAGE: Still image FileType.VIDEO: movie

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val maxThumbSize: Int = 0

"640": Acquire thumbnail, "0": Do not acquire thumbnail

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val startPosition: Int? = null

Position to start acquiring the file list.