
data class CameraFileInfo(val name: String, val fileUrl: String, val size: Long, val dateTimeZone: String?, val dateTime: String?, val lat: Float?, val lng: Float?, val width: Int?, val height: Int?, val thumbnail: String?, val _thumbSize: Int?, val _intervalCaptureGroupId: String?, val _compositeShootingGroupId: String?, val _autoBracketGroupId: String?, val _recordTime: Int?, val isProcessed: Boolean, val previewUrl: String, val _codec: String?, val _projectionType: _ProjectionType?, val _continuousShootingGroupId: String?, val _frameRate: Int?, val _favorite: Boolean?, val _imageDescription: String?, val _storageID: String?)

camera file information


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constructor(name: String, fileUrl: String, size: Long, dateTimeZone: String?, dateTime: String?, lat: Float?, lng: Float?, width: Int?, height: Int?, thumbnail: String?, _thumbSize: Int?, _intervalCaptureGroupId: String?, _compositeShootingGroupId: String?, _autoBracketGroupId: String?, _recordTime: Int?, isProcessed: Boolean, previewUrl: String, _codec: String?, _projectionType: _ProjectionType?, _continuousShootingGroupId: String?, _frameRate: Int?, _favorite: Boolean?, _imageDescription: String?, _storageID: String?)


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object Companion


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Group ID of a still image shot by multi bracket shooting.

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Codec: “H.264/MPEG-4 AVC”

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Group ID of a still image shot by interval composite shooting.

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Group ID of continuous shooting. (RICOH THETA X or later)

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Favorite. (RICOH THETA X or later)

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Frame rate. (RICOH THETA X or later)

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Image description. (RICOH THETA X or later)

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Group ID of a still image shot by interval shooting.

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Projection type of movie file: “Equirectangular” or “Dual-Fisheye”.

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Video shooting time (sec).

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Storage ID.

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Thumbnail file size (bytes).

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File creation or update time in local time.

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File creation or update time with the time zone

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File URL

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val height: Int?

Vertical size of image (pixels).

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Whether or not image processing has been completed

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val lat: Float?


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val lng: Float?


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File name

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URL of the file being processed.

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val size: Long

File size in bytes

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Base64-encoded thumbnail

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val width: Int?

Horizontal size of image (pixels).


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