Package-level declarations


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theta projection type

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data class AccessPoint(val ssid: String, val ssidStealth: Boolean, val security: AuthenticationMode, val connectionPriority: Int, val ipAddressAllocation: IpAddressAllocation, val ipAddress: String?, val subnetMask: String?, val defaultGateway: String?, val proxy: Proxy? = null)

access point infomation

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AI auto thumbnail setting

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authentication mode

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bluetooth power

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camera control source Sets whether to lock/unlock the camera UI. The current setting can be acquired by camera.getOptions, and it can be changed by camera.setOptions.

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Camera error

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data class CameraFileInfo(val name: String, val fileUrl: String, val size: Long, val dateTimeZone: String?, val dateTime: String?, val lat: Float?, val lng: Float?, val width: Int?, val height: Int?, val thumbnail: String?, val _thumbSize: Int?, val _intervalCaptureGroupId: String?, val _compositeShootingGroupId: String?, val _autoBracketGroupId: String?, val _recordTime: Int?, val isProcessed: Boolean, val previewUrl: String, val _codec: String?, val _projectionType: _ProjectionType?, val _continuousShootingGroupId: String?, val _frameRate: Int?, val _favorite: Boolean?, val _imageDescription: String?, val _storageID: String?)

camera file information

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Camera mode. The current setting can be acquired by camera.getOptions, and it can be changed by camera.setOptions.

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data class CameraState(val batteryLevel: Double, val storageUri: String? = null, val _storageID: String? = null, val _captureStatus: CaptureStatus, val _recordedTime: Int, val _recordableTime: Int, val _capturedPictures: Int? = null, val _compositeShootingElapsedTime: Int? = null, val _latestFileUrl: String? = null, val _batteryState: ChargingState, val _apiVersion: Int, val _pluginRunning: Boolean? = null, val _pluginWebServer: Boolean? = null, val _function: ShootingFunction? = null, val _mySettingChanged: Boolean? = null, val _currentMicrophone: MicrophoneOption? = null, val _currentStorage: StorageOption? = null, val _cameraError: List<CameraError>? = null, val _batteryInsert: Boolean? = null)

camera state information

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data class CancelVideoConvertRequest(val name: String = "camera._cancelVideoConvert", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

cancel video convert request

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data class CancelVideoConvertResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

cancel video convert response

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capture Mode

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Capture status

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Charging state

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command api request interface

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command api response interface

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data class CommandError(val code: String, val message: String)

error in command api response

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data class CommandProgress(val completion: Float)

completion at inProgress status

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state in command api response

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data class ConvertVideoFormatsParams(val fileUrl: String, val size: VideoFormat? = null, val projectionType: _ProjectionType? = null, val codec: String? = null, val topBottomCorrection: TopBottomCorrection? = null)

Convert video format parameters

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data class ConvertVideoFormatsRequest(val name: String = "camera._convertVideoFormats", val parameters: ConvertVideoFormatsParams) : CommandApiRequest

Convert video formats request

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data class ConvertVideoFormatsResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultConvertVideoFormats? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

Convert video formats response

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data class DeleteAccessPointParams(val ssid: String)

delete access point parameters

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data class DeleteAccessPointRequest(val name: String = "camera._deleteAccessPoint", val parameters: DeleteAccessPointParams) : CommandApiRequest

delete access point request

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data class DeleteAccessPointResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

deletee access point response

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data class DeleteMySettingParams(val mode: CaptureMode? = null)

delete my setting parameters

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data class DeleteMySettingRequest(val name: String = "camera._deleteMySetting", val parameters: DeleteMySettingParams) : CommandApiRequest

delete my setting request

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data class DeleteMySettingResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

delete my setting response

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data class DeleteParams(val fileUrls: List<String>)

delete request parameters

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data class DeleteRequest(val name: String = "camera.delete", val parameters: DeleteParams) : CommandApiRequest

delete request

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data class DeleteResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

delete response

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empty parameters

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data class EndPoint(val httpPort: Int, val httpUpdatesPort: Int)

endpoint information

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data class ExifInfo(val ExifVersion: String, val ImageDescription: String, val DateTime: String, val ImageWidth: Int?, val ImageLength: Int?, val ColorSpace: Int, val Compression: Int?, val Orientation: Int, val Flash: Int, val FocalLength: Float, val WhiteBalance: Int, val ExposureTime: Double, val FNumber: Double, val ExposureProgram: Int, val PhotographicSensitivity: Int, val ApertureValue: Double, val BrightnessValue: Float, val ExposureBiasValue: Float, val GPSLatitudeRef: String?, val GPSLatitude: Double?, val GPSLongitudeRef: String?, val GPSLongitude: Double?, val Make: String, val Model: String, val Software: String, val Copyright: String)

exif information (exif 2.3)

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list file type

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data class FinishWlanRequest(val name: String = "camera._finishWlan", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

finish wlan request

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data class FinishWlanResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

finish wlan response

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On time shift shooting, specify which side is shot first.

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data class GetLivePreviewRequest(val name: String = "camera.getLivePreview", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

get live preview request

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data class GetMetadataParams(val fileUrl: String)

get metadata request parameters

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data class GetMetadataRequest(val name: String = "camera._getMetadata", val parameters: GetMetadataParams) : CommandApiRequest

get metadata request

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data class GetMetadataResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultGetMetadata? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

get metadata response

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data class GetMySettingParams(val mode: CaptureMode? = null, val optionNames: List<String>? = null)

get my setting parameters

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data class GetMySettingRequest(val name: String = "camera._getMySetting", val parameters: GetMySettingParams) : CommandApiRequest

get my setting request

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data class GetMySettingResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultGetMySetting? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

get my setting response

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data class GetOptionsParams(val optionNames: List<String>)

get options parameters

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data class GetOptionsRequest(val name: String = "camera.getOptions", val parameters: GetOptionsParams) : CommandApiRequest

get options request

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data class GetOptionsResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultGetOptions? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

get options response

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data class GetPluginLicenseParams(val packageName: String)
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data class GetPluginLicenseRequest(val name: String = "camera._getPluginLicense", val parameters: GetPluginLicenseParams) : CommandApiRequest
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data class GetPluginOrdersRequest(val name: String = "camera._getPluginOrders", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

get plugin order request

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data class GetPluginOrdersResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultGetPluginOrders? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

get plugin order response

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data class GpsInfo(val lat: Float? = null, val lng: Float? = null, val _altitude: Float? = null, val _dateTimeZone: String? = null, val _datum: String? = null)

GPS information

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gps position information

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image filter setting

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image stitching setting

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object InfoApi

info api request

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data class InfoApiResponse(val manufacturer: String, val model: String, val serialNumber: String, val _wlanMacAddress: String?, val _bluetoothMacAddress: String?, val firmwareVersion: String, val supportUrl: String, val gps: Boolean, val gyro: Boolean, val uptime: Int, val api: List<String>, val endpoints: EndPoint, val apiLevel: List<Int>)

info api response

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ip address allocation

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supported language in camera OS

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data class ListAccessPointsRequest(val name: String = "camera._listAccessPoints", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

list access points request

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data class ListAccessPointsResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultListAccessPoints? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

list access points response

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data class ListFilesParams(val fileType: FileType = FileType.ALL, val startPosition: Int? = null, val _startFileUrl: String? = null, val entryCount: Int, val maxThumbSize: Int = 0, val _detail: Boolean? = true, val _sort: SortOrder? = null, val _storage: Storage? = null)

list files request parameters

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data class ListFilesRequest(val name: String = "camera.listFiles", val parameters: ListFilesParams) : CommandApiRequest

list files request

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data class ListFilesResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultListFiles? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

list files response

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data class ListPluginsRequest(val name: String = "camera._listPlugins", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

list plugins request

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data class ListPluginsResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultListPlugins? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

list plugins response

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data class MediaFileFormat(val type: MediaType? = null, val width: Int? = null, val height: Int? = null, val _codec: String? = null, val _frameRate: Int? = null)

Media file format setting

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Media type setting

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Microphone channel setting

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Microphone option

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Network type setting supported by Theta V, Z1, and X.

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object NumberAsIntSerializer : KSerializer<Int>

floating point number to/from Long serializer

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object NumberAsLongSerializer : KSerializer<Long>

floating point number to/from Long serializer

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object NumbersAsIntsSerializer : KSerializer<List<Int>>

floating point number to/from List serializer

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object NumbersAsLongsSerializer : KSerializer<List<Long>>

floating point number to/from List serializer

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data class Options(var _aiAutoThumbnail: AiAutoThumbnail? = null, var _aiAutoThumbnailSupport: List<AiAutoThumbnail>? = null, var aperture: Float? = null, var apertureSupport: List<Float>? = null, var _bluetoothPower: BluetoothPower? = null, var _cameraControlSource: CameraControlSource? = null, var _cameraControlSourceSupport: List<CameraControlSource>? = null, var _cameraMode: CameraMode? = null, var captureMode: CaptureMode? = null, var captureModeSupport: List<CaptureMode>? = null, var clientVersion: Int? = null, var clientVersionSupport: List<Int>? = null, var _colorTemperature: Int? = null, var dateTimeZone: String? = null, var exposureCompensation: Float? = null, var exposureCompensationSupport: List<Float>? = null, var exposureDelay: Int? = null, var exposureDelaySupport: List<Int>? = null, var exposureProgram: Int? = null, var exposureProgramSupport: List<Int>? = null, var fileFormat: MediaFileFormat? = null, var fileFormatSupport: List<MediaFileFormat>? = null, var _filter: ImageFilter? = null, var _filterSupport: List<ImageFilter>? = null, var gpsInfo: GpsInfo? = null, var _gpsTagRecording: GpsTagRecording? = null, var _imageStitching: ImageStitching? = null, var _imageStitchingSupport: List<ImageStitching>? = null, var iso: Int? = null, var isoSupport: List<Int>? = null, var isoAutoHighLimit: Int? = null, var isoAutoHighLimitSupport: List<Int>? = null, var _language: Language? = null, var _languageSupport: List<Language>? = null, var _maxRecordableTime: Int? = null, var _maxRecordableTimeSupport: List<Int>? = null, var _microphone: MicrophoneOption? = null, var _microphoneSupport: List<MicrophoneOption>? = null, var _microphoneChannel: MicrophoneChannel? = null, var _microphoneChannelSupport: List<MicrophoneChannel>? = null, var _networkType: NetworkType? = null, var _networkTypeSupport: List<NetworkType>? = null, var offDelay: Int? = null, var offDelaySupport: List<Int>? = null, var _password: String? = null, var _powerSaving: PowerSaving? = null, var _powerSavingSupport: List<PowerSaving>? = null, var previewFormat: PreviewFormat? = null, var previewFormatSupport: List<PreviewFormat>? = null, var _proxy: Proxy? = null, var remainingPictures: Int? = null, var remainingSpace: Long? = null, var remainingVideoSeconds: Int? = null, var _shootingMethod: ShootingMethod? = null, var _shootingMethodSupport: List<ShootingMethod>? = null, var shutterSpeed: Double? = null, var shutterSpeedSupport: List<Double>? = null, var _shutterVolume: Int? = null, var _shutterVolumeSupport: ShutterVolumeSupport? = null, var sleepDelay: Int? = null, var sleepDelaySupport: List<Int>? = null, var _timeShift: TimeShift? = null, var _timeShiftSupport: List<TimeShift>? = null, var _topBottomCorrection: TopBottomCorrectionOption? = null, var _topBottomCorrectionSupport: List<TopBottomCorrectionOption>? = null, var totalSpace: Long? = null, var _username: String? = null, var videoStitching: VideoStitching? = null, var videoStitchingSupport: List<VideoStitching>? = null, var _visibilityReduction: VisibilityReduction? = null, var _visibilityReductionSupport: List<VisibilityReduction>? = null, var whiteBalance: WhiteBalance? = null, var whiteBalanceSupport: List<WhiteBalance>? = null, var _whiteBalanceAutoStrength: WhiteBalanceAutoStrength? = null, var _whiteBalanceAutoStrengthSupport: List<WhiteBalanceAutoStrength>? = null, var _wlanFrequency: WlanFrequency? = null, var _wlanFrequencySupport: List<WlanFrequency>? = null)

option key value pair

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data class Plugin(val pluginName: String, val packageName: String, val version: String, val type: String, val running: Boolean, val foreground: Boolean, val boot: Boolean, val force: Boolean? = null, val bootOptions: String? = null, val webServer: Boolean, val exitStatus: String, val message: String)
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data class PluginControlParams(val action: String, val plugin: String? = null)

Starts or stops plugin. Supported just by Theta V and later.

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data class PluginControlRequest(val name: String = "camera._pluginControl", val parameters: PluginControlParams) : CommandApiRequest

Plugin control request

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data class PluginControlResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

Set plugin response

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Power saving mode

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data class PreviewFormat(val width: Int? = null, val height: Int? = null, val framerate: Int? = null)

preview format

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projection type

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data class Proxy(val use: Boolean, val url: String? = null, val port: Int? = null, val userid: String? = null, val password: String? = null)

Proxy information to be used when wired LAN is enabled.

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data class ResetRequest(val name: String = "camera.reset", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

reset request

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data class ResetResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

reset response

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data class ResultConvertVideoFormats(val fileUrl: String)

Convert video formats results

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data class ResultGetMetadata(val exif: ExifInfo, val xmp: XmpInfo)

get metadata results

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data class ResultGetMySetting(val options: Options)

get options results

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data class ResultGetOptions(val options: Options)

get options results

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data class ResultGetPluginOrders(val pluginOrders: List<String>)

plugin order results

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data class ResultListAccessPoints(val accessPoints: List<AccessPoint>)

list access points results

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data class ResultListFiles(val entries: List<CameraFileInfo>, val totalEntries: Int)

list files request results

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data class ResultListPlugins(val plugins: List<Plugin>)

get options results

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data class ResultSetBluetoothDevice(val deviceName: String)
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data class ResultSetOptions(val options: Options)

set options results

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data class ResultStartCapture(val fileUrls: List<String>)

start capture results

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data class ResultStartSession(val sessionId: String, val timeout: Int)

start capture results

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data class ResultStopCapture(val fileUrls: List<String>)

stop capgure results

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data class ResultTakePicture(val fileUrl: String, val _dngFileUrl: String? = null)

take picture results

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data class SetAccessPointParams(val ssid: String, val ssidStealth: Boolean? = null, val security: AuthenticationMode? = null, val password: String? = null, val connectionPriority: Int? = null, val ipAddressAllocation: IpAddressAllocation? = null, val ipAddress: String? = null, val subnetMask: String? = null, val defaultGateway: String? = null, val proxy: Proxy? = null)

set access point request parameters

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data class SetAccessPointRequest(val name: String = "camera._setAccessPoint", val parameters: SetAccessPointParams) : CommandApiRequest

set access point request

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data class SetAccessPointResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

set access point response

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data class SetBluetoothDeviceParams(val uuid: String)
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data class SetBluetoothDeviceRequest(val name: String = "camera._setBluetoothDevice", val parameters: SetBluetoothDeviceParams) : CommandApiRequest
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data class SetBluetoothDeviceResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultSetBluetoothDevice? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse
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data class SetMySettingParams(val mode: CaptureMode? = null, val options: Options)

Set my setting parameters

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data class SetMySettingRequest(val name: String = "camera._setMySetting", val parameters: SetMySettingParams) : CommandApiRequest

Set my setting request

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data class SetMySettingResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

Set my setting response

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data class SetOptionsParams(val sessionId: String? = null, val options: Options)

set options request parameters

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data class SetOptionsRequest(val name: String = "camera.setOptions", val parameters: SetOptionsParams) : CommandApiRequest

set options request

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data class SetOptionsResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultSetOptions? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

set options response

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data class SetPluginOrdersParams(val pluginOrders: List<String>)

Set plugin orders parameters

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data class SetPluginOrdersRequest(val name: String = "camera._setPluginOrders", val parameters: SetPluginOrdersParams) : CommandApiRequest

Set plugin orders request

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data class SetPluginOrdersResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

Set plugin orders response

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data class SetPluginParams(val packageName: String, val boot: Boolean)

Sets the installed plugin for boot. Supported just by Theta V.

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data class SetPluginRequest(val name: String = "camera._setPlugin", val parameters: SetPluginParams) : CommandApiRequest

Set plugin request

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data class SetPluginResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

Set plugin response

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shooting function

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Shooting Method setting

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Shooting mode

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data class ShutterVolumeSupport(val minShutterVolume: Int? = null, val maxShutterVolume: Int? = null)

Shutter volume support

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list files to sort order

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data class StartCaptureParams(val _mode: ShootingMode? = null)

start capture request parameters

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data class StartCaptureRequest(val name: String = "camera.startCapture", val parameters: StartCaptureParams) : CommandApiRequest

start capture request

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data class StartCaptureResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultStartCapture? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

start capture response

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data class StartSessionRequest(val name: String = "camera.startSession", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

start capture request

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data class StartSessionResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultStartSession? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

start capture response

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object StateApi

/osc/state api request

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data class StateApiResponse(val fingerprint: String, val state: CameraState)

state api response

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object StatusApi

Status api request

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data class StatusApiParams(val name: String? = null, val id: String? = null)

Status API request parameters class

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data class StatusApiRequest(val name: String? = null, val id: String? = null)

Status API request information class

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data class StopCaptureRequest(val name: String = "camera.stopCapture", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

stop capture request

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data class StopCaptureResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultStopCapture? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

stop capture response

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data class StopSelfTimerRequest(val name: String = "camera._stopSelfTimer", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

stop self timer request

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data class StopSelfTimerResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

stop self timer response

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Specifies the storage

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Storage option

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data class TakePictureRequest(val name: String = "camera.takePicture", val parameters: EmptyParameter = EmptyParameter()) : CommandApiRequest

take picture request

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data class TakePictureResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState, val id: String? = null, val results: ResultTakePicture? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

take picture Response

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data class TimeShift(val firstShooting: FirstShootingEnum? = null, val firstInterval: Int? = null, val secondInterval: Int? = null)

Time shift shooting.

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Top Buttoncorrection value

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top bottom correction option setting

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data class UnknownResponse(val name: String, val state: CommandState = CommandState.ERROR, val id: String? = null, val results: JsonElement? = null, val error: CommandError? = null, val progress: CommandProgress? = null) : CommandApiResponse

Unknown Response data class

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video formats

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Video stitching setting

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Visibility reduction setting

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White balance setting

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White balance auto strength

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Wireless LAN frequency of the camera supported by Theta V, Z1 and X.

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data class XmpInfo(val ProjectionType: ProjectionType, val UsePanoramaViewer: Boolean, val PoseHeadingDegrees: Double?, val CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels: Int, val CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels: Int, val FullPanoWidthPixels: Int, val FullPanoHeightPixels: Int, val CroppedAreaLeftPixels: Int, val CroppedAreaTopPixels: Int)

XMP information


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fun decodeStatusApiResponse(body: String?): CommandApiResponse

decode status api response depends on {body}.name and return decoded object