
data class Plugin(val pluginName: String, val packageName: String, val version: String, val type: String, val running: Boolean, val foreground: Boolean, val boot: Boolean, val force: Boolean? = null, val bootOptions: String? = null, val webServer: Boolean, val exitStatus: String, val message: String)


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constructor(pluginName: String, packageName: String, version: String, type: String, running: Boolean, foreground: Boolean, boot: Boolean, force: Boolean? = null, bootOptions: String? = null, webServer: Boolean, exitStatus: String, message: String)


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Boot selection, true: Target plugin to be started; false: Do not start this plugin

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val bootOptions: String? = null

Just Reserved

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Exit status

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val force: Boolean? = null

Just Reserved

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Process status, true: foreground, false: background

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Package name

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Plugin name

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Plugin power status, true: running, false: stop

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The type of application, "system": Pre-installed plugin, "user": User-added plugin

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Plugin version

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Existence of web server. true: Has WebUI, false: Does not have WebUI